IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR)

Locus representation: human (Homo sapiens) TRB locus on chromosome 7 (7q34)

Citing this page: Lefranc, M.-P. and Lefranc, G., The T cell receptor FactsBook, Academic Press, London, 398 pages (2001) IMGT/LIGM-DB: IMGT000021 (582960 bp), human (Homo sapiens) TRB locus.

Human (Homo sapiens) TRB locus on chromosome 7 (7q34)

The orientation of the human (Homo sapiens) TRB locus on chromosome 7 (7q34) is forward (FWD).

Locus representation human (<em>Homo sapiens</em>) TRB locus on chromosome 7 (7q34)

Colors are according to IMGT color menu for genes.
The boxes representing the genes are not to scale. Exons are not shown.
A double slash // indicates a gap in genome assembly. Distances in bp (base pair) or in kb (kilobase) associated with a double slash are taken into account in the length of the lines and included in the numbers displayed at the right end of the lines.
A dotted line ... indicates the distance in kb (kilobase) between the locus and its bornes (5' borne and the most 5' gene in the locus and/or 3' borne and the most 3' gene in the locus) on the top and bottom lines, respectively. These distances are not represented at scale and/or are not included in IMGT-LOCUS-UNIT and may not be included in the numbers displayed at the right ends of these two lines .

TRBV gene designations according to Rowen et al. (1996). Nomenclature adopted by IMGT.
Single arrows show genes whose polarity is opposite to that of the D-J-C-CLUSTER. Double arrows indicate insertion/deletion polymorphisms.

Bornes of the human (Homo sapiens) TRB locus

• PRSS58 (serine protease 58, trypsinogen-like TRYX3, TRY1) (5' borne) has been identified 41 kb upstream of TRBV1 (P), the most 5' gene in the locus.
• EPHB6 (EPH receptor B6) (3' borne) has been identified 41 kb downstream of TRBV30 (F), the most 3' gene in the locus.

T3 to T8 indicate trypsinogen or trypsinogen-like genes. T3 (PRSS3P3, TRY3) is at 7.4 kb upstream of TRBV1. T4 to T8 are localized between TRBV29-1 and TRBD1.

Locus representation with only the functional genes: human (Homo sapiens) TRB locus on chromosome 7 (7q34)

Gene localization is according to data from IMGT/LocusView.
This locus representation with only the functional genes is used with IMGT/GeneFrequency.

Locus representation human (<em>Homo sapiens</em>) TRB locus on chromosome 7 (7q34)

* When needed, indicate the presence of allele(s) with another functionality: see above human (Homo sapiens) TRB locus on chromosome 7 (7q34)

Zoom for TRBD and TRBJ genes


IMGT references:
  1. [1] Lefranc, M.-P. and Lefranc, G., The T cell receptor FactsBook, Academic Press, London, 398 pages (2001).
  2. [2] Lefranc, M.-P., Nomenclature of the human T cell receptor genes, Current Protocols in Immunology, A.1O.1-A.1O.23 (2000).
TRBV genes
  1. [3] Wei, S. et al., Immunogenetics, 40, 27-36 (1994).
  2. [4] Posnett, D.N. et al., The Immunologist, 4, 5-8 (1996).
  3. [5] Rowen, L. et al., Science, 272, 1755-1762 (1996).
  1. [6] Toyonaga, B. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 82, 8624-8628 (1985).
  2. [7] Tunnacliffe, A. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 82, 5068-5072 (1985).
TRBV alignments
  1. [8] Arden, B. et al., Immunogenetics, 42, 455-500 (1995).
TRBV enhancer (5.5 kb 3' from TRBC2)
  1. [9] Gottschalk, L.R. and Leiden, J.M., Mol. Cell. Biol., 10, 5486-5495 (1990).
Last updated:
Géraldine Folch