Here you are: IMGT Web resources > IMGT Repertoire (IG and TR) > 5. Taxonomy

IMGT taxonomy tree: Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes)

IMGT taxonomy detailed trees

Vertebrata → Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes) G
Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) Euteleostei G
Tetrapoda (tetrapods) G Eutheria (placentals) G Rodentia (rodents) G
Primates G
G : indicates an IMGT Taxonomy page containing links to NCBI Genome assemblies

blue Order
green Family
dotted A dotted rectangle indicates that the corresponding NCBI taxonomy level of classification is not shown in IMGT flat files (and therefore cannot be queried in IMGT/LIGM-DB).
bracket Brackets indicate a taxonomy level of classification not reported in the NCBI taxonomy.
white A non-limited vertical line indicates that there are more than 5 subdivisions
Chondrichthyes tree

IMGT taxonomy detailed trees

Vertebrata → Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes) G
Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) Euteleostei G
Tetrapoda (tetrapods) G Eutheria (placentals) G Rodentia (rodents) G
Primates G
G : indicates an IMGT Taxonomy page containing links to NCBI Genome assemblies

Links to NCBI Genome assemblies

Numbers between brackets for large taxons are only indicative (not automatically updated).


Lineage: Eukaryota [5066]; Metazoa [1886]; Chordata [1005]; Craniata [988]; Vertebrata [988]; Chondrichthyes [10];
Elasmobranchii [9]; Batoidea [4];

Rajiformes [3]; Rajidae [3]; Amblyraja [1]; Amblyraja radiata [1] (thorny skate) ID: 7066