IMGT®, the international ImMunoGeneTics information system®

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IMGT Repertoire

IMGT Repertoire is the global ImMunoGeneTics Web Resource for immunoglobulins (IG), T cell receptors (TR), major histocompatibility (MH), and related proteins of the immune system (RPI) of human and other vertebrate species belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) and to the MH superfamily (MhSF). IMGT Repertoire comprises LIGM expertised data [1,2], based on the IMGT Scientific chart [3].

IMGT Repertoire comprises:

The IMGT Repertoire is edited by Marie-Paule Lefranc Member Senior of the Insitut Universitaire de France, Professor Université Montpellier II and Gérard Lefranc, Professor Université Montpellier II IMGT, LIGM, IGH, UPR CNRS, Montpellier, France.

[1] Lefranc, M.-P. and Lefranc, G., The Immunoglobulin FactsBook, Academic Press, 458 pages (2001), ISBN: 012441351X
[2] Lefranc, M.-P. and Lefranc, G., The T cell receptor FactsBook, Academic Press, 398 pages (2001), ISBN: 0124413528
[3] Lefranc, M.-P. et al., Nucleic Acids Res., 27, 209-212 (1999) PMID: 9847182, LIGM:209